Monday, March 19, 2007

Back On Track

Today was the big day, I knew I would be happy with the results I just wasn't sure how happy. This week I didn't order any take out salads at all and I only ate half of the pizza that I normally eat, no sweets , no rice crispy treats and I made the pizza dough with whole wheat flour and I made the pizza sauce from scratch as well, and it paid off........10 POUNDS IN ONE WEEK!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO, of course I felt the need to celebrate and I had a very small bowl of the food that I cooked for my family tonight, beef and broccoli, one of my favorites, and I could have kicked myself after, as a punishment I wont be having any pizza this Thursday [maybe], I don't even know if I am going to cook pizza for them because it will be very hard for me to cook it and not eat at least a slice. GRHHHHHH!!!!! So now I am 289 pounds. I am very excited but in the back of my mind there is an evil voice whispering to me saying "what the heck are you all happy about you weighed less than that when you got pregnant with Ameera( she is my 6 month old) although I have really accomplished ALOT in the last few months I only lost the weight that I put on in the last year, I have to reverse the weight back to 1993, LOL. WILL I EVER GET THERE????? Time is not on my side, every time dh and I do the baby dance (wink wink) there is a chance that I will be headed for 9 months of weight gain. Ironically the more weight I lose the more my libido is going through the roof, I have to restrain....OOOOKKKKK don't want to turn this into an "XXX" blog, I think you get the picture. Well I had my celebration dinner tonight, back on track and back to the rabbit food for me, or else I will be crying and moping if the scale disappoints me next week. I am also trying to tell myself often that 10 pounds in one week is probably because the week before the scale didn't budge at all so DO NOT be disappointed if I never have a 10 pound loss week again, those were not my typical results. I will be more than happy to see my normal 5 pound loss.

SPECIAL THANK YOU !!!!! to my fellow blogger "living life...." you really encouraged me last week when I was feeling down in the dumps about having a bad week, thanks for being there for me, I pray that I can be there for you as well. Don't feel bad about the cookies just punish yourself to an extra session on your machine to burn up some of the calories........I probably shouldn't be telling you this but we have a crispy cream doughnuts here in UAE now ...great just what I need another temptation, good thing its not close to my house smiles)I hear they are only 200 calories each maybe you and I can go find it together and eat a few then fast and excercise for the rest of the day to celebrate .LOL just kidding

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