Monday, February 19, 2007

First Weigh In!!!!!

Well as promised I weighed myself today and mu current weight is 140.5 kilos which is 310 pounds, so thats means I am down 4 pounds from last Monday. HORAYYYY!!!!!!! Four pounds closer to my new self. The weekend is over thank God. Weekends are rough, I mean its nice to have everyone home and all but it really interfears with my routine. And the all day eating of the children and my hubby dont help either. This past weekend I had a few rice crispie treats as a treat to myself, but this week I said I want to really buckle down and see if I can lose more than 4 pounds by next monday if I really limit the carb intake, also I set a time of 7:30pm as a cut off and I only alow myself to eat before that time. Yesterday went really well, everytime I thought about snacking after that time I just chugged down some water. I also have not had a diet coke in a few days, I read that the sweetner in diet sodas can actually cause you to crave fatty foods,hummm, who knew ???? So this week I am really trying to limit myself to salads and the bran cereal that I snack on. We will see if it pays off next monday. I really would like to blog more often but finding time just isnt that easy these days. I would also like to do a bit more cardio excercise but I need a cd or something to follow.
I will share a few websites that I have been using to help look up things about weight loss maybe they will be of some help to you as well.

the last one is really interesting but a bit too restrictive for me, as long as what I am doing keeps working I will stay on that track because its easy for me.

1 comment:

Livin_life_and loving_it said...

WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!!!!